
Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives Today

We can agree that these past months have been trying. The world is anxious watching the news, reading social media or having conversations about the COVID-19 pandemic. We look to our leaders to be calming voices as we settle into our latest dose of reality. Just know, we will make it through this challenge as long as we

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Diversity and inclusion initiatives free diversity courses for employees

Effects of COVID-19 on H-1B Employment

Our world, country, and community are in a state of fragility, facing a crisis that has impacted every one of us in numerous ways. With so many businesses cutting back, shuttering and a recession looming, many H-1B workers and their employers find themselves in a hard predicament trying to navigate this changing landscape. This opinion

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Proactively Winning the Battle Against Cyber-Attacks OG

Proactively Winning the Battle Against Cyber-Attacks

In the business world, information technology is crucial to your company’s success. One of the most important components and fast-growing initiatives is Cybersecurity. Recently, Ponemon surveyed 3,200 participants and found 524 organizations suffered data breaches. This is good and bad news. In their “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020” (commissioned by IBM), there was a slight decline

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